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VisualTestingStudio :The VisualTestingStudio which is under development is to automate testing with simple api for script develpers. Thie uses selenium as the core Engien to drive browser for testing, but selenium works in the background and not exposed to script writer. This removes the complications of using selenium api. The product also make the automation testing simple by providing visual hadle so that the script developer need not worry about the html elements and its attributes. When ever needed they can use built in xpath API to get handle of elements that doens't have visual text. The prosuct encourages to use visual text to create test cases so the both the text verification and testing is achieved in one test case. Techloggies used: Open souce technologies like Selenium, Java, NetBeans, Eclipse, etc.
Logic Beains reportsStudio
Logic Beains reportsStudio
Logic Beains reportsStudio